A-SonGlo Foundation

SHE took a leap of FAITH
and grew wings on the way down.

J. Pauly

Creative Selection Committee

Don’t let these little girl images fool you! We are highly experienced artists in film, visual art and literature. We are a community of global women who are dedicated to social justice and committed to visionary women whose creative work and stories will shape the ideas of a new generation.

Sonya is the founder of A-SonGlo Foundation; activist, filmmaker, writer and poet. Founder and former Director of a woman’s organization dedicated to the advancement of women and their families in rural, Idaho. Sonya’s films give a voice to change-making women and their life experiences, creating an archive of their stories, so that they are not forgotten, as they leave significant legacies through activism, education and legislation. “You cannot create a legacy for yourself – until you create one for someone else.”

Amanda is a poet, theater-performer, semi-musician and an activist who has the battle scars, like so many of her sisters who sit on this council. A mother of two young children, is a pro on how to squeeze quality-time to capture the Bohemian artist within her; journaling and writing out her short stories. She has two decades of working in social justice; women/children's rights, environmental and human rights and economic development. Her first passionate crusade was to take a stand for Farmworker's civil and human rights; this call to action would forever impact and shape her life, thinking and commitment to social justice. A business owner and advocate for women’s economic development. Amanda is inspired by, and champions women artists and encourages their artistic free-flowing thinking and well-being.

Camille is an International Public Speaker that works specifically to encourage changing cultural biases in artificial intelligence, and a Product Engineer. Camille has been active in social and racial justice issues, throughout her life. Her skills and talents in social media platforms have supported and assisted good organizations to get their messages across the country and world. She is also a visibility strategist for women in business and startups. And has worked on projects with NASA, NVIDIA, and University Innovation Fellows. Camille is dedicated to the advancement of women, who are creative innovators utilizing their artistic skills for the betterment of community, as a whole.

Mercedes is a proud mother of two children who keep her balanced; an activist, feminist, immigrant and the daughter of former-farmworkers. Mercedes passion is the safety of women and their families; a dedicated grassroots organizer. She has worked with state agencies and organizations across Idaho focusing on the health and welfare of women and children. She has facilitated trainings and workshops for community leaders and organizations throughout Idaho, on domestic violence, gender-equality and racial justice. She is a collector and lover of thought-provoking books for her spirit and soul. Mercedes is on a lifelong journey to reclaim her ancestral lineage, healing the wounds created by colonization and artificial borders; shattering barriers with the words “¡Si, Se Puede!”

Millie was born in Guatemala (homeland of the Mayas). Millie found her place and voice in activism by the strong women in her family who mentored and nurtured her through storytelling, and the rich foods of her ancestors. She has participated and facilitated in workshops/trainings on economic development for women-owned businesses and racial justice in rural Idaho. Millie has been a community organizer for over 15 years and has been successful implementing social services and educational programs for the Latino community. A former Executive Director of three organizations that focused on racial justice and the empowerment of women and their families. She has 8 years experience working in behavioral and mental health and has her own private practice.

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